Saturday, February 28, 2009

I wanted to be social


My nephew, Lyle, just emailed me. (We were supposed to meet last night, but he stood me up.) Anyway, he was all excited. Seems he had just finished NOTteRing (Network of Three Running), with a couple of his friends, Steffan and Leslee. He's says they did at least 12 miles. I'm skeptical, but he might be telling me the truth for a change. If you've not seen NOTteRing it's quite something.

NOTteRing is the practice of running three abreast, hands tightly held, with the tallest member (not necessarily the heaviest member), in the center. Lyle tells me Steffan picked this up when he was in Sweden where "everyone is doing it." Anyway, at some point in the run, the combined energy of the three results in some, well, frankly unbelievable moves. If I hadn't seen this recently with my own eyes I certainly wouldn't be blogging it. The synergy created by running as a triad apparently enables the participants to run longer, faster, and with less exertion than would be required if running singly or doubly.

Scaling: Another amazing thing is the ability of those NOTteRing to scale otherwise insurmountable obstacles. I observed Steffan, Leslee, and a third runner (not Lyle), scale the back side of a park bench recently. They didn't hurdle the obstacle, but scaled it; literally walking up the back side and down the seat as if slightly airborne. And in perfect unison. It was quite unbelievable.

Another practice in NOTteRing that I've observed is called "Debbing," (short for Debiting, I think). When the triad obtains a certain speed, it is no longer necessary for all three to actually run in the customary sense. One or more of the trio can actually run on just one leg and be held and propelled by the group with no loss of speed. Thus the group can further conserve energy and run even further. The photo above illustrates what I'm describing, but is not an actual photo of a NOTteRing session. I'll try to get a photo of this phenomenon for the blog soon, as I can understand your skepticism.

Your friend ferd.

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